Washington, DC family child care licensing: Home requirements

This post is a part of our series on Washington DC family child care licensing. For more on licensing in Washington DC, see the following posts:

Washington DC Family Child Care Licensing: An Overview
Types of Licenses
The Licensing Process
Training Requirements

As you prepare to open your own in-home preschool or child care with an Initial License or Renewal License, your home will need to meet certain indoor and outdoor requirements. Here’s what you need to know about your home to get your license in Washington DC:

What types of homes qualify for family child care?

A Child Development Home or Expanded Home is defined as a private residence which provides a child development program for children.

What are the requirements for the home?


A Licensee shall ensure that every building or part thereof that is used as a Facility, is constructed, used, furnished, maintained, and equipped in compliance with all applicable requirements established by District and federal laws and regulations with written certification of compliance with the appropriate regulatory bodies governing zoning, building construction and safety, sanitation, and fire safety.

  • Indoor space: A Licensee shall, at all times, maintain adequate indoor space for the daily program measured on the inside wall-to-wall dimensions, as follows:
    • A minimum of 45 square feet of program space per infant;
    • A minimum of 35 square feet of unencumbered program space per toddler and child; or
    • A minimum of 45 square feet of encumbered program space per child.
  • Exits: A Licensee shall ensure that exits are clearly identified, free of all obstructions, and arranged or marked so the path to exit the building is visible and clear.
  • Other business: A Licensee shall not operate any other business that may either impact the health and safety of the children and staff or interfere with the overall operation of the Facility on the same premises that is licensed by OSSE as a Facility.
  • Certificate of Occupancy: A new or revised Certificate of Occupancy or Home Occupation permit shall be required:
    • At the time of any major modification or alteration of any existing premises or structure used by the Facility, but prior to the continued use of the modified or altered portions of the premises or structure for child development purposes;
    • Prior to the use of any portion of the premises or structure that was not previously inspected and approved for use by DCRA as a Child Development Facility;
    • Prior to submitting an application to increase the number of children under 30 months of age to be enrolled at the Child Development Facility; and
    • Prior to submitting an application for a change in licensure capacity of the Child Development Facility.
  • Fire Safety Inspection: A Licensee shall undergo a fire safety inspection and shall, annually, obtain certification from FEMS that the premises conform to all applicable fire safety and related codes. A Licensee shall, at its own expense, undergo an additional fire safety inspection under the following circumstances:
    • At the time of any major modification or alteration of any existing premises or structure used by the Facility, but prior to the continued use of the modified or altered portions of the premises or structure for child development purposes;
    • Prior to the use of any portion of the premises or structure that was not previously inspected and certified as conforming to the applicable fire and safety related codes for use as a Child Development Facility;
    • Prior to submitting an application to increase the number of children under 30 months of age to be enrolled at the Child Development Facility; and
    • Prior to submitting an application for a change in licensure capacity of the Child Development Facility.
  • Lead-based Paint Hazard: A Licensee shall ensure that a Facility is free of any lead-based paint hazards.
  • Accessibility: A licensed Facility shall be accessible for children and adults with disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Accessibility includes access to buildings, toilets, sinks, drinking fountains, outdoor play areas, meal and snack areas, and all classroom and therapy areas.
  • Temperature: All program space that children use shall be heated, cooled, and ventilated to maintain the required temperatures, and air exchange to avoid accumulation of odors and fumes.
  • Protective Coverings: A Licensee shall ensure that all access points to stairs are restricted by gates, all doors or windows are protected with guards that prevent exit by a child, and all blinds have child protective coverings ensuring cords are not accessible to children
  • Mold-Free: A Licensee shall ensure that the Facility is free of moisture, mold, and mildew, including but not limited to, moisture resulting from water leakage or seepage.
  • Waste Receptacles: A Licensee shall ensure that waste receptacles have a hands-free opening mechanism, are kept clean, lined with plastic bags, in good repair, and emptied at least daily.
  • Ventilation: A Licensee shall ventilate program space by mechanical ventilation, such as fans, air conditioning, or at least one operable window. The following criteria shall apply to mechanical ventilation units and windows:
    • A freestanding fan shall be placed in a stable location, have a stable base, be equipped with a protective guard, and be inaccessible to children;
    • Windows, including windows in doors, when utilized for ventilation purposes, shall be securely screened to prevent the entry of insects;
    • Windows accessible to children under 5 years of age that are above ground level of the building shall be adjusted to limit the opening to less than 6 inches or be protected with guards that do not block natural lighting; and
    • A Facility with glass doors shall place decals at the eye level of the children in its care.
  • Space Heaters: A Licensee shall not use space heaters unless it has received express approval, in writing, from an official of FEMS. If provide written approval, space heaters shall:
    • Be attended while in use and be off when unattended;
    • Be inaccessible to children at all times;
    • Have protective covering to keep hands and objects away from the electric heating element;
    • Be placed on the floor only and at least 3 feet from curtains, papers, furniture, and any flammable object;
    • Be properly vented, as required for proper functioning;
    • Not be used with an extension cord; and
    • Be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Fireplaces: A Licensee shall ensure that fireplaces and fireplace inserts are inaccessible to children at all times.
  • Water: A Licensee shall maintain hot and cold running water under pressure. Hot running water shall be maintained at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F).
  • Insects and Rodent Free: A Licensee shall ensure that the Facility’s premises remain clear of insects, rodents, and other pests and excrement of insects, rodents, and other pests. A Licensee shall maintain preventative measures to control insects, rodents, and other pests to comport with best practices and to prevent and eliminate harborage, breeding, and infestation at the Facility’s premises. If a harboring, breeding, or infestation of insects, rodents, or other pest occurs on the premises of the Facility, the Licensee shall immediately report the infestation to OSSE as an unusual incident and take immediate steps to have the insects, rodents, or other pests eliminated from the Facility.
  • Extermination Services Log: A Licensee shall maintain at the Facility a log documenting the use of extermination services, which shall be provided only by a licensed pest control professional. Children shall not be present while pesticides are being applied or within 24 hours of application.
  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors: A Licensee shall install and maintain working carbon monoxide detectors if there is any gas service in the building. Carbon monoxide detectors shall be tested every 6 months with a written log of testing records maintained at the Child Development Facility.
  • Smoke Detectors: A Licensee shall install and maintain an appropriate number of working smoke detectors located in locations consistent with District code requirements and shall ensure they are in working order at all times. Smoke detectors shall be tested quarterly with a written log of testing records maintained at the Child Development Facility.
  • Fire Drills: A Licensee shall perform fire drills, at least monthly, with a written log of the fire drills maintained at the Child Development Facility.
  • Storage Space: A Licensee shall maintain adequate storage space for play and teaching equipment, supplies, records, and children’s possessions and clothing.


  • Per-child: A Licensee caring for preschoolers shall provide at least one flush toilet and one sink for every ten children, based on the license capacity of the Facility.
  • Step: A Licensee shall provide a block or step for a child’s use of each toilet and sink at a Facility that is too high to be used by one or more enrolled children without assistance.
  • Toilet Training Chairs: A Licensee shall provide toilet training chairs or seats (or both), at the discretion of the Facility, for use by any child or children who require them. Training chairs shall be emptied promptly and sanitized after each use. Training chairs shall be made of non-porous, synthetic products. Training chairs shall remain in the bathroom facilities.
  • Supplies: A Licensee shall provide toilet paper, soap and single-use paper towels at each bathroom in a manner accessible for independent use by children.
  • Changing Tables: A Licensee caring for infants, toddlers, or preschoolers shall provide at least one changing table for every ten children that are not independently using toilet facilities, based on the license capacity of the Facility. Changing tables must meet the following requirements:
    • Have impervious, nonabsorbent, smooth surfaces that do not trap soil and are easily disinfected;
    • Be sturdy and stable to prevent tipping over;
    • Be at a convenient height for use by Facility staff; and
    • Be equipped with railings or barriers.
    • Sanitize changing tables after each use.


  • Interior Space: A Licensee shall ensure that interior space designated for the use of children is available to children when the center is in operation and is arranged to allow each child adequate space for free movement and active play.
  • Temperature: A Licensee shall ensure that the temperature within each room of program space shall be maintained at between 68°F and 75°F from October through March, and between 68°F and 82°F from April through September.
  • Protrusions: Protrusions such as pipes, wood ends, or long bolts that may catch a child’s clothing are prohibited.
  • Carpeting: Carpeting in the facility shall be nonflammable, nontoxic, and maintained by the Licensee in clean condition and good repair.
  • Floors: A Licensee shall maintain floors that are free from bare concrete, dampness, splinters, and sliding rugs.
  • Surfaces: A Licensee shall ensure that all floors, walls, and ceilings are in good repair and easy to clean when soiled. Only smooth, nonporous surfaces shall be permitted in areas that are likely to be contaminated by body fluids including, without limitation, lavatories and toilets, and areas used for food preparation or consumption or diaper changing.
  • Play Areas Used by Infants: A Licensee shall ensure that shoes are removed or covered prior to entering play areas used by infants.
  • Finger-pinch Protection Devices: A Licensee shall install finger-pinch protection devices on doors, cupboards, cabinets, and gates that are accessible to children, except on doors, cupboards, cabinets, and gates that are fully closed and locked.
  • Strings and Cords: A Licensee shall ensure that strings and cords long enough to encircle a child’s neck are not accessible to children.
  • Electrical Outlets: A Licensee shall ensure that electrical outlets that are not in use and are accessible to children are fitted with appropriate child-proof protective outlet covers that meet the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. standard for Safety of Receptacle Closures (UL 2255).
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters: A Licensee shall install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters in areas accessible to children where electrical products may come into contact with water.


  • Outdoor Play Area: A Licensee shall maintain outdoor play space free of standing water, litter, broken glass, wooden splinters, weeds, high grass, and conditions that are, or might be, hazardous to the health, safety, or welfare of children enrolled.
  • Supervision
    • A Licensee shall ensure that each outdoor play area in use by one or more children enrolled at a Facility shall be visible to and within hearing distance of Facility staff at all times.
    • A Licensee shall ensure that outdoor play space is supervised by adult staff in sufficient quantity and with appropriate placement to ensure that all children are within sight and hearing of at least one staff member at all times.
    • A Licensee shall ensure that staff, while supervising a group of children in the outdoor play space, are able to summon another adult staff member if the need arises, without leaving the children unsupervised at any time.
  • Play Areas and Equipment Compliance: A Licensee shall ensure that all outdoor play areas and equipment conform to the standards established by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and by the American Society for Testing and Materials.
  • Enclosed Outdoor Play Space: A Licensee utilizing an outdoor play space at the Facility premises shall enclose the outdoor play space with a fence or natural barrier that shall be at least 4 feet high, with a space no larger than three and one-half (3-1/2) inches between its bottom edge and the ground, and designed to prevent climbing.
  • Exits: A Licensee shall provide at least two exits from each outdoor play space. At least one of these exits shall be remote from the Facility buildings.
  • Outdoor Gates: A Licensee shall ensure that all outdoor gates have positive self-latching closure mechanisms that are at least 4 feet off the ground or constructed in a manner so that they cannot be opened by a preschool-age child.
  • Outdoor Play Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that the design, construction, and installation of all outdoor play equipment are consistent with the guidelines published by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s current Public Playground Safety Handbook.
  • Daily Inspection: The Center Director, Caregiver, or designated Facility staff shall conduct a daily inspection of each outdoor play space. The daily inspection shall be documented and maintained in a Facility log. All identified problems shall be corrected as soon as possible and children prohibited from using equipment that does not meet safety standards. The inspection shall include, at a minimum, an inspection of the space itself, removal of all trash, debris, broken glass, and other foreign or hazardous materials, and an inspection of each piece of equipment for:
    • Visible cracking, bending, warping, rusting, or breaking;
    • Deformation of open hooks, shackles, rings, links, and the like;
    • Worn swing hangers and chains;
    • Missing, damaged, or loose swing seats;
    • Broken supports or anchors;
    • Exposed, cracked, or loose cement support footings;
    • Exposed tubing ends that require plugs or cap covers;
    • Accessible sharp edges or points;
    • Protruding bolt ends that require caps or covers;
    • Loose bolts, nuts, or screws that require tightening;
    • Splintered, cracked, or otherwise deteriorating wood;
    • Moving parts in need of lubrication;
    • Worn bearings or other worn mechanical parts;
    • Broken or missing rails, steps, rungs, or seats;
    • Worn or scattered surfacing materials;
    • Exposed hard surfaces, especially under swings and slides;
    • Chipped or peeling paint;
    • Pinch or crush points; and
    • Exposed mechanisms, junctures, and moving components.
  • Hazards: If any hazard is noted or observed by the Licensee or OSSE, the Licensee shall immediately correct the hazardous condition or remove the piece of equipment from use until the hazard is corrected.
  • Separate outdoor play space for preschool and school-age children: A Licensee serving infants, toddlers, preschool children, or school-age children shall separate the outdoor play spaces used by infants, toddlers, and preschool children from the play spaces used by school-age children. The separation shall be done in a way that does not to limit the activities of either age group.
  • Fall Zones: A Licensee shall ensure that all surface areas beneath, and in the fall zones of, climbing equipment, slides, swings, and similar equipment are covered in resilient material that diminishes the impact of falls.
  • Outdoor Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that all outdoor equipment is securely anchored and installed properly to prevent tipping or collapsing.
  • Outdoor Play Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that all outdoor play equipment is free of pinch, crush or shear points on all surfaces that are or may be accessible to children.
  • Swing Seats: A Licensee shall provide only swing seats constructed of durable, lightweight, relatively pliable material.
  • Trampolines: A Licensee shall not allow children to use trampolines.
  • Sand: A Licensee shall maintain all outdoor sandboxes and play areas containing sand in a safe and sanitary condition, including being completely covered when not in use and free of debris.
  • Lawn Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that no lawn mowers, hedge clippers, shears or other similar items are used or stored unlocked in any outdoor play space when children are present.
  • Rooftop Space:
    • Fence: If a Licensee chooses to utilize a rooftop play space, the Licensee shall enclose the rooftop play space with a sturdy fence at least 6 feet high and designed to prevent climbing.
    • Fire Escape: A Licensee shall provide a fire escape, which leads from the rooftop play space, if applicable, to an open space at the ground level of the Facility premises, and for which the Facility has received written approval from DCRA or FEMS.
    • Approval from DCRA or FEMS: Before a Licensee may utilize a rooftop play space, the Licensee shall obtain written approval from the DCRA or FEMS that the additional load presented by the children, staff, and play equipment on the roof is within the load capacity of the building structure.
    • Written Approval from DCRA: Before a Licensee may utilize a rooftop play space, the Licensee shall obtain written approval from DCRA that the fence is safe, and shall submit this written approval to OSSE.
  • Do Not Use Rooftop Space Unless: A Licensee may not use rooftop play space unless:
    • DCRA or FEMS conducts an annual safety inspection of the fence around the play space and provides written approval stating that the fence is safe for its intended purposes;
    • DCRA or FEMS conducts an annual safety inspection of the play space and provides written approval of the use safety of the play space; and
    • A copy of the most current of the written approvals described above next to the Facility’s license, in a conspicuous location at the Facility premises.


  • Supplies for Indoor and Outdoor Activities: A Licensee shall provide a variety and sufficient quantities of materials, equipment, and supplies for indoor and outdoor activities, consistent with the numbers, ages, and needs of the infants, toddlers, preschool, or school-age enrolled children.
  • Age Appropriate Equipment: Materials, equipment, and supplies accessible to children shall be age appropriate, safe, in good repair, clean, and non-toxic, and shall be accessible to and appropriate for children with special needs, if the Facility provides care to such children.
  • Sufficient Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that there are sufficient quantities of materials and equipment to keep all children engaged, even if in different activities, at all times, and to avoid excessive competition among the children and long waits for use of the materials and equipment and provide for a variety of experiences and appeal to the individual interests of the children
  • Culturally Sensitive Materials: A Licensee shall ensure that materials provided to children are culturally sensitive, culturally relevant, and designed to promote social and emotional development, cognitive development, language development and communication skills, independence, creative expression, and fine and gross motor skills.
  • Safe Equipment: All playthings, equipment, supplies, furnishings, and other materials provided by a Licensee for use by children shall meet the standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the American Society for Testing and Materials, and shall:
    • Be sturdy enough that they will not splinter;
    • Not have sharp points or rough edges;
    • Have lead-free, non-toxic paint or finishes;
    • Be washable, regularly washed, and maintained in good repair; and (e) Comply with Federal standards regarding small toys and objects for use by children.
  • Prohibited Items: A Licensee shall prohibit the use of the following at all times: infant walkers, crib gyms, collapsible cribs, playpens, and projectile toys.
  • Equipment for children under 3 years of age: All playthings, equipment, supplies, furnishings, and other materials provided by a Licensee for use by children under the age of 3 years shall be large enough that they cannot be swallowed and not have small parts that may loosen and fall off, such as buttons on stuffed animals.
  • Hazardous or Broken Equipment: A Licensee shall remove and repair, or discard all furniture, equipment, and materials that are not usable because they are broken or hazardous.
  • Light Bulbs: Light bulbs shall be shatterproof or appropriately shielded to prevent product contamination and injuries due to breakage.
  • Helmets: A Licensee shall ensure that all children one year of age and over wear helmets that are properly fitted and approved by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission while riding, wheeled equipment such as tricycles, bicycles, scooters, roller skates, rollerblades, or skateboards, regardless of whether the equipment is being ridden indoors or outdoors. A Licensee may provide helmets for use while riding wheeled equipment. If a Facility provides helmets for shared use of children while riding wheeled equipment, the Licensee shall wipe down each helmet with the wet washcloth after each use.
  • Strollers or Carriages: A Licensee shall have available a sufficient number of strollers or carriages with appropriate restraints for infants and non-ambulatory enrolled children.
  • Highchairs: A Licensee shall ensure that highchairs, if used, have a wide and securely locking base, a crotch bar/guard, and a safety strap that is fastened with every use and are used only during meal times and shall not be used to restrain children at any other time.
  • Crib, Cot, or Bed: A Licensee shall provide each enrolled child in a full-day program with an individual crib, cot, or bed, as developmentally appropriate, and ensure that:
    • Children do not share bedding, such as sheets and blankets;
    • No child sleeps on a bare, uncovered surface;
    • Cribs, cots, beds, and appropriate beddings, such as sheets or blankets, are kept clean and sanitary at all times;
    • Crib and cot areas are sufficiently separate from play space to prevent access to sleeping areas by children at play; and
    • Each child is allowed to safely and comfortably crawl, toddle, sit, or walk and to play according to his or her stage of development, in a designated play space apart from sleeping quarters, during each day.
  • Crib or Cot: A Licensee shall ensure that each crib or cot:
    • Meets safety standards established by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission;
    • When in use, is placed at least two feet apart from any other cot, at least two feet from any windows, and two feet from any radiators. The two feet of separation required by this provision shall be measured on all sides of each crib or cot; and
    • Is labeled with the name of the child to whom it is assigned.
  • Cribs: A Licensee shall also comply with the following additional requirements for cribs:
    • Each crib shall have a firm, fitted mattress of proper size for a crib, covered with a fitted sheet, provided by the Facility;
    • Infant monitors shall not be placed in cribs;
    • Crib gyms, crib toys, mobiles, mirrors, and other toys shall not be placed in, attached to, or hung over an infant’s crib;
    • Cribs shall only be used for sleep purposes; and
    • Cribs shall not be used for time out or disciplinary purposes.
  • Cots: A Licensee shall also comply with the following additional requirements for cots:
    • Cots shall be used only for children over 12 months of age who can walk;
    • Cots shall have coverings that are easy to clean and nonabsorbent; and
    • Seasonally appropriate beddings, such as sheets or blankets, sufficient to maintain adequate warmth, shall be available and provided to children as applicable and as needed.
  • Play Equipment: A Licensee shall ensure that all play equipment is:
    • Properly constructed and installed to ensure its safe use by all enrolled children, at an appropriate height for the children who are expected to use the equipment, and in manner that ensures that the equipment will not entrap children;
    • Free of pinch, crush, or sharp points on or underneath such equipment that are or may be accessible to children;
  • Sanitation: A Licensee shall ensure that any toy is promptly removed from the play area, sanitized with an appropriate germicide, and air dried before it is returned to the play area after the toy is put in someone’s mouth or licked, or otherwise, is exposed to saliva or soiled with blood, stool, urine, or vomit.
  • Tricycles and Riding Toys: Tricycles and other riding toys provided by a Licensee shall be steerable, appropriate to the ages and sizes of the enrolled children, and shall not contain spokes. A Licensee shall maintain tricycles and other riding toys in good condition, free of sharp edges or protrusions that may injure children. When not in use, they shall be stored in a place where they will not present physical obstacles to the children and staff. The Facility staff shall inspect riding toys and wheeled equipment prior to use by a child for loose or missing hardware, parts, protrusions, or other hazards that may lead to injury.


  • Emergency Evacuation Drills: A Licensee shall conduct practice emergency evacuation and disaster drills, in accordance with requirements set forth by FEMS. The drills shall include all groups of children and all staff, and shall be conducted at least twice a year, at varying times during the program day. A Licensee shall document the date, time, and duration of each such evacuation drill, the number of children and staff participating, and the weather conditions. A Licensee shall maintain a complete log of all documented practice evacuation drills for at least 5 years.
  • Emergency & Disaster Plan: A Licensee shall develop and maintain an emergency and disaster plan with established procedures for the following:
    • Evacuations and clearly marked evacuation routes;
    • Relocating staff and children to a safe evacuation site during an emergency;
    • Sheltering in place if evacuation is not possible;
    • Lock-down procedures in the event of an emergency
    • Notifying parents and guardians about an emergency;
    • Notifying parents and guardians when an emergency has ended and the process of reuniting parents and guardians with their children;
    • Addressing the needs of children during an emergency;
    • Contacting local emergency authorities;
    • Listing essential local emergency contacts; and
    • Posting the Emergency and Disaster plan in a conspicuous place at the Facility’s premises.
  • Annual updates: A Licensee shall review and update the emergency and disaster plan annually and update parents and guardians of enrolled children at least annually about the Facility’s emergency and disaster plan.
  • Emergency and Disaster Plan Training: A Licensee shall provide training to all staff annually on the emergency and disaster plan.
  • Telephone: A Licensee shall provide at least one working, non-pay, stationary telephone accessible to staff at each Facility building.
  • Notification System: A Licensee shall register with AlertDC, or any successor notification system, administered by the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, for immediate notification of emergency alerts and notifications.
  • Food and water supply: A Licensee shall maintain a 3 day supply of water, staple food, and supplies for each enrolled child and staff member.
  • Evacuation of Infants & Toddlers: A Licensee shall develop and implement specific procedures for the safe and prompt evacuation of infants, toddlers, and non-ambulatory children.
  • Non-Ambulatory Children: When non-ambulatory children are enrolled in a Facility at street level, a Licensee shall be equipped with a ratio of one evacuation crib for every four nonambulatory children to be used during emergency evacuations. When non-ambulatory children are enrolled in a Facility that has the approval to operate above or below street level, a Licensee shall be equipped with a ratio of one evacuation crib for every two non-ambulatory children to be used during emergency evacuations.


  • Trained Staff: A Licensee shall ensure that all staff members shall possess current and valid certification appropriate to the age of children served by the Facility in first aid and CPR.
  • Minimum Required Staff: A Licensee shall have at all times at least two staff members at the premises and readily available to administer first aid and CPR for children unless a caregiver in a child development home is serving no more than six children with only two children being under the age of two.
  • First Aid Supplies: A Licensee shall maintain at the Facility premises, a quantity of first aid supplies sufficient to meet the Facility’s reasonably expected needs, based on the size of the Facility, the ages and developmental abilities of the enrolled children, and the Facility’s program of activities. A Licensee shall maintain these supplies in a designated location that is readily available to staff and inaccessible to children.
  • First Aid Kit Requirements: For every 25 children, a Licensee shall maintain a first aid kit that includes, but is not limited to the following supplies:
    • A current edition of the first aid text published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, or an equivalent community first aid guide;
    • Telephone number(s) of the local Poison Control Center;
    • One roll of one-half inch (½ in.) non-allergenic adhesive tape;
    • One roll of two-inch (2 in.) gauze roller bandage;
    • Ten individually wrapped sterile gauze squares in assorted sizes;
    • Twenty-five adhesive compresses, such as Band-Aids, in assorted sizes;
    • Three clean cotton towels or sheeting pieces, approximately twenty-four by thirty-six inches (24 in. x 36 in.) each;
    • One pair of scissors;
    • Safety pins in assorted sizes;
    • One working flashlight;
    • One non-mercury, non-glass thermometer;
    • One measuring tablespoon or dosing spoon;
    • One pair of tweezers;
    • One-third cup (1/3 c.) of powdered milk for dental first aid (for mixing to make a liquid solution);
    • Rubbing alcohol and alcohol swabs;
    • Cotton balls;
    • One ice pack or gel pack;
    • Liquid sanitizer;
    • Sanitary soap;
    • Disposable, non-absorbent latex free or non-powdered latex-free gloves;
    • All items needed for disposal of blood-borne pathogens;
    • Eyepatch or dressing;
    • Pen or pencil and notepad;
    • Wipes;
    • Whistle; and
    • One-way valves for infants (if served), young children, and adults.
  • Replenishment: A Licensee shall inspect and take inventory of its first aid supplies at least weekly, and replenish them as needed. Replenishment shall include: (a) Removing and replacing sterile supplies if the package has been opened or damaged, or if the expiration date on the package has been reached; and (b) Replacing all supplies as they are used, expired, or become damaged.
  • Transportable First Aid Kit: A Licensee shall maintain one transportable first aid kit, in addition to the complete first aid kit, which shall include:
    • A current edition of the first aid text published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Red Cross, or an equivalent community first aid guide;
    • Telephone number(s) of the local Poison Control Center;
    • One roll of one-half inch (½ in.) non-allergenic adhesive tape;
    • One roll of two-inch (2 in.) gauze roller bandage;
    • 10 individually wrapped sterile gauze squares in assorted sizes;
    • 25 adhesive compresses, such as Band-Aids, in assorted sizes;
    • 1 pair of scissors;
    • Safety pins in assorted sizes;
    • 1 working flashlight;
    • 1 pair of tweezers;
    • Rubbing alcohol and alcohol swabs;
    • Cotton balls;
    • 1 ice pack or gel pack;
    • Liquid sanitizer;
    • Disposable, non-absorbent latex free or non-powdered latex-free gloves;
    • Pen or pencil and notepad;
    • Wipes;
    • Whistle;
    • One-way valves for infants (if served), young children, and adults.
  • A Licensee shall ensure that the transportable first aid kit also includes:
    • list of children in attendance, organized by the staff member they are assigned to, and each child’s emergency contact information;
    • Special care plans for children who have them;
    • Emergency medications or supplies as specified in the special care plans;
    • List of phone numbers for the Poison Center, nearby hospitals or other emergency care clinics, and other community resource agencies; and
    • Written transportation policy and contingency plans.
  • A Licensee shall ensure that a transportable first aid kit is taken along by Facility staff on each outing, and when children under the care and supervision of the Facility are being transported.

Source: Final Rulemaking for the Licensing of Child Development Facilitie

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