Oregon Family Child Care Licensing Training Requirements

This post is a part of our series on Oregon family child care licensing. For more on licensing in Oregon, see the following posts:

Oregon Family Child Care Licensing: An Overview
Types of Licenses
The Licensing Process
Home Requirements

If you plan to open your own family child care in Oregon, you will have to meet certain training requirements. The training requirements will depend on which type of family child care you open.

Here’s what you need to know about training if you plan to open a Registered Family Child Care Home or a Certified Family Child Care Home in Oregon as a primary caregiver:

Training Requirements For Registered Family Child Care Homes

As a provider in a Registered Family Child Care Home, you will need to undergo the Recognizing and Reporting Child Care Abuse and Neglect (RRCAN) training specific to Oregon; first aid; infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); Oregon Food Handler’s training; and Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety (ICCHS) prior to licensing.

You must complete the following training before you can receive your registration:

  • Completed the Family Child Care Overview session;
  • Certification in first aid and infant and child CPR;
  • A current food handler certification;
  • 2 hours of RRCAN;
  • Completed OCC approved health and safety training.

When a registered family child care provider submits a renewal application, the OCC shall, prior to approving it, receive evidence from the provider that the provider has:

  • Certification in first aid and infant and child CPR;
  • A current food handler certification;
  • Completed OCC approved health and safety training;
  • 10 hours of training completed during the 2 years preceding the renewal date. The training must be related to the core knowledge categories in the Oregon Registry.
  • At least 6 clock hours of the 10 hours of training must be in child development or early childhood education.
  • A training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect will be accepted after 5 years (and every 5 years thereafter) as part of the 10 clock hours of training required for licensing, but will not be accepted as part of the required child development training hours.

To learn more about the ways to meet the training requirements and methods of training, please see Criteria for Meeting the 10-hour Training Requirements For Registered Family Child Care Providers

Training requirements for Certified Family Child Care Homes

As a provider in a Certified Family Child Care Home, you will need to undergo the Recognizing and Reporting Child Care Abuse and Neglect (RRCAN) training specific to Oregon; first aid; infant and child cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR); Oregon Food Handler’s training; and Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety (ICCHS) prior to licensing.

A. Assistant 1 and 2, staff and substitute providers must have food handler’s certification if they act as a substitute provider and/or if they prepare or serve food in any way.
B. Substitute provider must have Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect if the home is certified for more than 12.
C. Substitute provider must complete 15 hours of ongoing training if they work more than 20 hours/year in the Certified Family Home.

Details of training requirements for Certified Family Child Care Homes

  • Orientation: All staff shall receive an orientation within the first two weeks of employment and before they can have unsupervised access to children.
  • First Aid and CPR for infants and toddlers;
  • Food handler certification;
  • 2 hours of training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect (RRCAN);
  • OCC approved health and safety training;
  • 15 clock hours of training: the provider and all caregivers who function as substitute  providers and Assistant II staff, including volunteers, must participate yearly in at least 15 clock hours of training related to child care, of which:
  • At least 8 clock hours shall be in child development or early childhood education. The following core knowledge categories are accepted for the child development and early childhood  education requirement:  
  • Diversity (D),
  • Family and Community Systems (FCS),  
  • Human Growth and Development (HGD),
  • Health Safety and Nutrition (HSN),
  • Learning Environments and Curriculum (LEC),
  • Observation and Assessment (OA),
  • Special Needs (SN), and Understanding and Guiding Behavior (UGB).
  • Training may include correspondence courses, conferences, workshops and audio‐visual programs.
  • Up to 6 hours of the 15 clock hours of training: an approved planned reading program of professional materials may count for up to 6 hours of the 15 clock hours of training and must include a written assessment of reading materials completed by each participating staff person.
  • OCC will accept duplicate training one additional time if it is a Set 2 (intermediate) or Set 3 (advanced)  training or above as described by the Oregon Center for Career Development in Childhood Care and  Education; and it is not taken within the same license period.  
  • During the first year of certification and the first year of employment staff may count up to 2 hours of orientation and their most recent training in first aid and CPR, food handler’s and recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect training, as part of the 15 clock hours of training, but may not use these toward the 8 hours required in child development or early childhood education.
  • 5 hours of first aid and CPR training or food handler’s training as part of the 15 clock hours of training: during subsequent years of certification and subsequent years of employment staff may count 5 hours of first aid and CPR training or food handler’s training as part of the 15 clock hours of training. Duplicate training on recognizing and reporting child abuse and neglect training can be accepted again after three years, and every three years thereafter towards the 15 clock hours of staff training required for licensing.
  • Prior to a facility providing care to more than 2 children under 24 months of age, the provider shall have at least 30 clock hours of training specific to infant and toddler care.
  • The provider shall document each caregiver’s  training, showing the subject matter, the date completed, and the number of clock hours of training in each certification year.

How to access training

You have many options for finding educational activities that meet your training requirements:

How often does this training need to be renewed?

Registered Family Child Care Home: 10 hours of training within 2 years preceding the new registration or registration renewal date. Minimum of 6 hours of training out of 10 hours must be in child development.

Certified Family Child Care Home: the provider and all caregivers who function as substitute providers and Assistant II staff, including volunteers, shall participate yearly in at least 15 clock hours of training related to child care, of which at least 8 clock hours must be in child development or early childhood education.

Sources: Certified Family Child Care Homes Rulebook March 2017, Oregon Department of Education Early Learning Division, Office of Child Care, Rules for Registered Family Child Care Homes, Criteria for Meeting the 10-hour Training Requirements For Registered Family Child Care Providers.

This post is a part of our series on Oregon family child care licensing. For more on licensing in Oregon, see the following posts:

Oregon Family Child Care Licensing: An Overview
Types of Licenses
The Licensing Process
Home Requirements

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