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Try These Awesome Fall Childcare Activities in Denver

Child DevelopmentParent Resources

15th October 2021

If there’s one thing children love, it’s playing! Children are very interactive and don’t like sitting still for long periods. They enjoy getting up and finding something that can engage them. Luckily for parents, there are a handful of fun activities that they can do with their children that are both fun and fundamental to their development! These seasonal projects are perfect for parents looking for in-home Denver childcare activities that will keep their children entertained and active!

Leaf Letters

Nothing screams fall more than colorful leaves. Leaf letters is an activity that gets children outside, enhancing their fine motor skills, alphabet skills, and recognition of shapes! All a parent will need is chalk, a good sidewalk, and colorful autumn leaves! For the activity, parents will write any letter, and children will outline the letter with leaves. It’s that easy! Children get the joy of playing with colorful fall leaves while also secretly developing their talents.

Fall Sensory Bins

Sensory bins are a popular choice among parents who have children that enjoy hands-on learning. Of course, this activity is perfect for every child who wants to stimulate their senses. Why not make your sensory bin autumn-themed? Parents have the freedom to include any object, whether it be rocks, leaves, or feathers. Sensory bins allow children to learn through discovery and play while staying within the safety of a supervisor!

Autumn Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunts are full of benefits among developing children, giving children their daily exercise while encouraging exploration, discovery, and teamwork. So, who doesn’t love a good fall-themed treasure hunt? Give children different objects to hunt for on their own, such as colorful leaves, a rock, a pinecone, or even identifying an animal. Treasure hunts will work to sharpen a child’s navigation skills, identification skills, patience, and responsibility.

Paint Pumpkins

Pumpkins are the pinnacle of fall. No child has gone through fall without carving at leaf one pumpkin. But carving can get a little messy, so why not try a different activity that is safer and more entertaining for children. Pumpkin painting is a fun fall activity where every child, no matter their age, can participate. Pumpkin painting puts children in the fall spirit while simultaneously developing their creativity, sensory, and fine motor skills.

Leaf Maze

As a parent, have you spent hours sweeping up or raking in leaves? It’s bound to happen during the changing of the seasons. But instead of throwing the leaves out, why not turn it into a fun learning experience? Creating a leaf maze out of the piles of leaves can enhance a child’s brain by improving patience and persistence while also adding a fun alternative for those pesky leaf piles!

Searching for Childcare with Seasonal Activities?

Are you a parent looking for childcare in Denver? Do you keep searching for “childcare near me” and can never find any reliable services? Wonderschool is here to help! Wonderschool partners with hundreds of reliable childcare services across the US. Our all-in-one childcare platform is designed to ease the struggle when looking for qualified childcare services. Trust Wonderschool and allow your child to experience these childcare activities and more. Visit Wonderschool and discover a qualified childcare service in Denver, CO!


Wonderschool is a network of quality in-home early childhood programs. Our mission is to ensure that every child has access to a home away from home that helps them realize their full potential. We work with experienced educators and child care providers to help them start their own child care or preschool out of their homes, whether they live in apartments, condos, or homes that they rent or own.