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Social Learning for Children: Why In-Home Child Care Is Your Best Bet

There are different learning lenses that parents can choose from when supporting their children. Social learning is one of many qualities that any childcare center offers to better enhance a child’s development.

Social learning is a learning strategy that states: new behaviors can be learned by observing and imitating others. It claims that learning is not purely cognitive, but also a behavioral process that takes place in a social environment. For parents interested in this learning strategy, in-home childcare is a great way to encourage social learning amongst children.

Stronger Connections

Unlike schools, where there are multiple classmates and teachers, in-home childcare programs are less crowded. The number of people can make it harder for children to form bonds, and fewer children offer more opportunities to form strong connections with their classmates and teachers. Overall, the more kids are around, the less personal time a student has to communicate with their teacher.

Social learning often occurs when children form and establish bonds with other individuals. This bond allows them to better recognize emotions and thoughts, and they can use that recognition when they imitate.

Modeling Behavior

For parents who want to establish social learning as a primary method of learning, it can be difficult to place them in an environment where there are a vast number of personalities. A large group is great for socializing and meeting different people. However, social learning is all about mimicking others’ emotions.

Too many people could make it difficult for a child to identify who to imitate and observe. In-home childcare means a smaller environment and a more controlled setting. Children have a clearer idea of who to observe, and parents can ensure their child learns positive behavior.


Caregivers can encourage positive behavior that children learn during social learning by reinforcing it. Reinforcement will encourage children to continue being positive, and with fewer children, children can witness positive behavior being reinforced; this will encourage them to participate in that behavior. Because there are fewer children, it’s easier for caregivers to notice the behavior. If a child learns negative behavior, in-home caregivers are more likely to notice it and talk it out with the child. Other children will see that this behavior is discouraged and will not imitate it.

Less School, More Home

Children who are cautious and anxious might stay in their shells when visiting larger daycare programs. However, social learning is all about observation! Children who stay in their shells are less likely to observe. With in-home childcare, the environment is often less crowded and more comfortable. Children will be able to comfortably come out of their shells, which encourages them to observe and try new things.

In-Home Childcare Near Me

For parents who are looking for in-home childcare that supports social learning, Wonderschool is a childcare search service that shaves off the endless hours of searching with a few simple clicks. Parents can save time and money when using our all-in-one childcare program to find a quality program that ensures their child’s needs are met. Visit Wonderschool today!


Wonderschool is a network of quality in-home early childhood programs. Our mission is to ensure that every child has access to a home away from home that helps them realize their full potential. We work with experienced educators and child care providers to help them start their own child care or preschool out of their homes, whether they live in apartments, condos, or homes that they rent or own.