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Las Vegas Parents: 5 Easy-to-Make Crafts to Boost Creativity in Kids

Child DevelopmentParent Resources

17th November 2021

Whether it be art, dance, or music, creativity is a form of wordless expression. As children, creativity encourages expression and builds confidence. It lets their minds run a little wild while providing a chance for them to express themselves in any way they can! Creativity courses through the veins of every child, but sometimes it takes a little nudging for them to unleash their full creative potential! Crafts are affordable childcare alternatives that are entertaining and encouraging for a child’s creativity.

Silly Faces

It’s time for some silly faces! This craft will get your child’s mind rolling as they have some fun creating silly expressions! Paint or draw a circle, and then give your child a pen. Watch them give the blank canvases a face! This is a great exercise for children to correlate facial expressions with emotions, and for an extra challenge, encourage them to draw different expressions or styles.

To make the activity even more entertaining, take fruit slices that are cut in half, paint the end and stamp it to paper. Have them draw the faces on the stamped fruit, and watch as their creativity unfolds while making fruit faces! Have them help out by choosing the fruit or colors, giving them the creative liberty to express themselves.

Play with Clay

Every parent has bought modeling clay  at least once; it’s a “must-have” that all children dream of! Whether it be homemade clay or store-bought play dough, it’s a relatively easy product to find and will entertain children for hours on end!

Have them use play dough to create gifts for people they know. Let their creative minds work as they come up with a sculpted gift that will suit the person they’re gifting. When they’re done, either leave the dough to dry or bake, and you have a cherished creation that will be loved for years to come!

Recycled Collages

Take items from around the house, like old newspapers, buttons, stickers, and the like. Use these items to make a collage of random! Let a child’s creative mind and emotion take over by creating an image out of recycled art supplies and using their imagination to see something new and unique.

Hand Puppets

Hand puppets are easy to make and super enjoyable for the whole family! Children can use their imagination to create anything or anyone they want, and can continue their creativity by using the hand puppet! These puppets can be made out of anything, like bags or socks, and they’re adorable creations that can be used to reenact a memory or create a new story.

Pet Rocks

Everyone loves a good pet rock. Get a rock, get some googly eyes, you have a pet rock! Pet rocks are super simple but can boost a child’s creativity, showing them that anything can be interesting and entertaining if you put creative effort into it.

Need Caregiver Services?

Parents who are looking for reliable Las Vegas childcare that encourages creativity: Wonderschool has your back! Our all-in-one childcare platform can help parents find the best program for their children. Visit Wonderschool to find quality childcare in Las Vegas that promotes creative liberty.


Wonderschool is a network of quality in-home early childhood programs. Our mission is to ensure that every child has access to a home away from home that helps them realize their full potential. We work with experienced educators and child care providers to help them start their own child care or preschool out of their homes, whether they live in apartments, condos, or homes that they rent or own.