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6 Potty Training Tips from Experienced Louisiana Daycare Teachers

Child DevelopmentParent Resources

14th February 2022

A toilet might as well be a mountain to a toddler. The task can be scary and frustrating. When it comes to potty training, parents have been astounded by success at daycare but disappointment at home. Since some parents will see children’s success during child care, why not go straight to the source? Here are six helpful potty training tips from Louisiana day care teachers.

When to Start Potty Training?

Timing is Everything: Recognizing Potty Training Cues

A potty schedule establishes a routine for you and your child. Try and match their daycare schedule if they are home for the day or over the weekend. Let them know their potty time is coming up so they are not surprised during play or rest. Also, stay aware of their “Number 2” schedule. Many toddlers hold their bowel movements until they are home, so assist them to the bathroom as they tell you all about their day.

The Best Potty Training Tips (from Pottry Training Experts!)

1. First Try A Structured Approach to Potty Training with a Step by Step

Try breaking up the potty process into manageable, no pressure stages. Teach your child how to pull down, then up, their pants in the bathroom. Let them flush the toilet. Let them pull the toilet paper. Keep some potty reading handy in the bathroom to read with your child as well. Getting them familiar with the process can develop comfort.

2. Introduce The Buddy System: How Peer Support Can Aid Potty Training

Toddlers can help other toddlers learn how to use the potty. However, your home probably does not have an entire daycare of toddlers to utilize this technique. Perhaps your toddler has an age similar friend, trusted cousin, or older sibling, though! If you and your toddler trust this potty cohort, let them set the example for your toddler. They can show them it is natural and easy to use the toilet.

3. Make the Potty Appealing

Many daycares avoid inserts because they can be difficult to clean between uses. That is where the tiny toilets come in hand. At home, however, you have much more flexibility. Toilets may not be a big deal to us, but to our toddlers they can be big and loud. Keep a potty and seat insert handy to fit your child’s needs. If the insert has some of their favorite characters—like Blue or Dora—even better. Let your child pick what they need, and pay attention to how they are reacting to their seat.

4. Navigate Accidents with Positivity and Persistence

There will be times your child will suffer accidents or backsliding, even after showing improvement. This is completely natural. Your toddler is learning how to pay attention to their body, this new routine, and all the steps involved. It can be a lot for them to navigate! Try to stay patient and reassure them that accidents happen all the time. Ask them questions about what happened. This could give you insight into what they should stay aware of going forward. Just remember to explain they will do better next time and not to be discouraged.

5. Implement a Sticker Reward System

Praise goes a long way with toddlers learning to use their potty or toilet inserts. Keep those prizes on hand! When they bounce back from a step back or achieve a toilet milestone, be ready with a reward. Avoid small toys or trinkets for every next level moment. Stickers, check marks, and a solid, loving “great job!” can be enough for youngsters. At the end of the day, they just want to get it right and make you proud.

6. Training Diapers vs Underwear for Potty Training: which is better?

There may be more cleanup during training, but underwear is preferred when it comes to potty training. The underwear encourages them to move away from depending on their diapers and instead depending on the routine. For longer car rides or days out, you can slip a trainers over underwear to avoid a mess outside home. They will still know they had an accident, but cleaning up will be much easier and less stressful on both parent and child.

Perfect the Potty Training Process

Over time and with positive encouragement, as well as an open conversation, your child will perfect the potty training process.

Have you found yourself searching “daycares near me”? Wonderschool can link you with daycares in Louisiana and other states. Providers like these know just what your toddler needs and how to translate that to your experiences at home. We work with you on what your child needs to have an incredible daycare experience at the right childcare site.
