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Testing Blindness and How Being Blind Can Affect a Child’s Development

Color blindness in general is often overlooked due to the fact that there are no visibly apparent symptoms. Determining if your child is colorblind ultimately boils down to how they perceive things around them.

Not only can color blindness be overlooked, but the effects of this disorder can also cause some mild issues for children, so parents should utilize a child color blind test.

That’s not to say that parents should be extremely worried as to the implications of the disorder. Many people deal with color blindness throughout their lives and deal with little-to-no side effects.

But, it is still important for parents to understand the implications of this disorder.

Color blindness in children can be tough. This is especially the case for the child and even the parents who have to figure out how to deal with what their child is going through mentally and emotionally.

In a nutshell, color blindness is a disorder that affects a person’s ability to see certain colors and differentiate between light and dark colors. Luckily, understanding this disorder and its effects will make it easier for parents, and their children, to overcome the problems that may arise from color blindness.

Let’s get started.

How Does Blindness Affect a Child’s Development?

Color blindness is the result of issues that arise in the color-detecting nerve cells found in the back of the eye.

These nerve cells are called cones. As a result, some people find difficulty in telling the difference between green and red, and blue and yellow. 

Achromatopsia is a rare form of color blindness in which people can’t see any colors at all and only see light or dark shades of gray.

This may cause some obstacles in terms of completing certain schoolwork for a child, but color blindness is nothing that will have a drastic effect on their physical health. Just be sure to comfort your child or student! 

Reading a Color Blind Test: How to Tell if Your Child Is Color Blind

Child color blind tests consist of a child viewing a picture with a green background. In the foreground are a yellow circle and a brown square. Colorblind children or teens will only be able to see the yellow circle, whereas those with normal vision should see the yellow circle and the faint brown square.

Don’t worry if you find that your student or child is color blind. There’s actually a lot one can do to accommodate for color blindness. 

Teachers and parents can use labels next to colors, draw and write using black ink/markers, and make copies of handouts and pictures with blank ink.

The toughest part will be comforting your child or student, so be sure to accommodate them and make sure that they feel as though they belong and have nothing “wrong” with them.

Color blindness is incredibly common.

When to Administer a Child Color Blind Test

Teachers and parents can come to suspect color blindness in a child if the child seems to have trouble seeing certain colors.

A simple child color blind test can help determine if a child is color blind. 

Symptoms include the possibility of a child or teen having trouble with assignments or projects that require them to use color or needing more light in the classroom and seating accommodations.

Other symptoms also include children or teens feeling self-conscious or frustrated about not being able to see colors, or being teased or bullied because of color blindness.

If you have noticed any of these symptoms, administering a child color blind test is an ideal next step. 

Color blindness is very common, so reassure your child or student that there is nothing wrong with being colorblind!

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