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Yelp 101

You probably already know that Yelp can help you market your child care program. But what specific steps can you take to  get more families interested in joining your program through Yelp?

  1. Get more reviews! Reach out to your current or previous families and have them write reviews of your program. Tell families and friends to go to and search for your program to write their review. The more the merrier!
  2. Update your photos! Select “Photos and Videos” on the left hand side menu. You can choose photos to add from your computer or phone by clicking “Upload Photos”.

If you want to update your email address, phone number, or password, you can do that by clicking your profile photo in the top right corner of the page and editing your account settings.

Be aware that Yelp often sends spam to the email and phone number that are listed for the account. If you put your own personal information, you will likely receive a lot of spam calls! Remember, you do not have to sign up for any additional services through Yelp, even though they may really put the pressure on you to do so.

If you’re interested in buying paid ads, you can learn how to set those up through Yelp’s how-to video here.

Enhancing your program’s Yelp page gives you an opportunity to expand your program’s online presence – so go forth and conquer the Yelp world!

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Wonderschool is a network of quality in-home early childhood programs. Our mission is to ensure that every child has access to a home away from home that helps them realize their full potential. We work with experienced educators and child care providers to help them start their own child care or preschool out of their homes, whether they live in apartments, condos, or homes that they rent or own.